Heritage Interpretative Planning Project

Treasure Chest

The project IS -  An Interpretive plan for the entire Town and Rock Hall area - including
museums, landmarks, special locations and landscapes, marinas, parks, buildings, etc.
The project IS NOT - Solely focused on the Rock Hall Museum 

The project IS - 100% paid for with MHAA and Schumann Foundation grants as well as private donations
The project grant funds CAN NOT -  Be used for any other purpose - ie: remediation or moving of artifacts

The project process IS - Facilitated by a professional consultant
The project IS NOT - Being developed by a single individual

The project IS - Designed to directly engage the community in multiple ways over an extended period of time
The project DOES NOT - Not include public input and outreach

The project INCLUDES - A series of public workshops and conversations
The project IS NOT - Being created in private/behind closed doors

The project IS - Open ended and flexible as to proposed activities for the visitor experience
The project IS NOT - Responsible for determining the future of the municipal building

The project IS - Designed to provide capacity support and professional development for Museum Board
The project IS NOT - Directly involved in mitigating issues with the artifacts- ie. mold, storage location, etc.

The project WILL - Result in a plan with a wide variety of custom recommendations
The project WILL NOT - Provide formulaic or a set of standard recommendations

Please note - the Rock Hall Museum Board enthusiastically seeks public input throughout this planning process.