June 11th Mayor and Council Meeting

Arthur E. Kendall was sworn in at a special meeting of the Mayor and Council tonight. I send him congratulations and look forward to serving with him in the future. The Rock Hall Community Spirit Award for the month of June was presented to the Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company, Rock Hall VFC EMS Department, the Rock Hall Police Department and Auxiliary Officers and Kent EMS for their work and life saving aid they provided during the past Triathlon. In addition, the Council approved the proposed FY 2015/2016 Budget which includes a Drug Prevention Program. I am looking forward to working with the Police Department to start the war on drugs in our community. The tax rate will remain the same for 2016. The Council also approved the creation of a Communications Board and approved a resolution to become a HEAL (Heathy Eating Active Living) community. It was a long, but productive meeting.