Main Street Task Force

I announced my commitment during my campaign to revitalize Main Steet in Rock Hall with a plan that includes creating a task force which will be a partnership with the Mayor and Council and the Rock Hall Business Association.

The first part of the plan will be forming a Main Street Task Force which will consist of volunteers, business owners and community leaders. This group will meet on a regular basis to discuss and will develop a strategic plan to ultimately achieve the goals of revitalizing Main Street. 

The second part of the plan is a partnership with the Department of Planning and Zoning of Kent County to explore the Sustainable Community and Main Street Designations from the State of Maryland which will allow the Town to receive state funding to support the effort. I am prepared to provide the coordination and technical support necessary for the success of this task force. The Mayor's Cabinet and task force will act as coordinators and supporters of these initiatives so the Town can apply for the Sustainable Community and Main Street Designations.

Main Street revitalization is a priority and we need everyone to be committed to creating an environment that supports existing businesses, and sets the foundation for new ones to open and succeed. Most importantly, our efforts will focus on fostering a clean, safe and vibrant Main Street that is inviting to locals and visitors

The third part of the plan if the proper designation goals are reached is to appoint a manager of the Main Street Program.

I have asked for volunteers, business owners and community leaders to join the task force and I reiterate the importance of everyone working together to achieve this goal of an improved and thriving Rock Hall Main Street. Anyone interested in volunteering on this task force, please submit a letter of interest and qualifications to the Town Hall during normal business hours. Thank You!