RHAD - Anti-Drug Program

At the August 13th, 2015, Mayor and Council meeting. I announced the RHAD program. Rock Hall Against Drugs.

The fact is far too many of our residents are impacted by drug use - whether because of drug sales occurring near their homes or because they or their family members suffer from addiction.

It is my duty to provide for the safety and well-being of our residents and visitors. I along with many residents feel the drug problem can no longer be ignored.

RHAD will innovate, adapt, and provide the tools needed to get the job done. We will establish drug awareness programs, partner with local organizations and make sure proper healthcare is available to help to guide those suffering from addiction into recovery.

I am asking the entire Rock Hall community to join me in this new campaign "RHAD" Rock Hall Against Drugs.

Together, we can make a difference and together we can make Rock Hall a drug free town.

We are planning many exciting events in the community to bring drug awareness to our youth and citizens.