Top 10 Factors in Developing a Drug Testing Program

Developing an effective drug testing program as an employer is not easy. Too often, employers with good intentions will simply start drug testing individuals without really thinking through what their testing program should include or how it should be structured. In the upcoming weeks, WorkforceQA will be addressing some of the these questions in detail in this blog. While there are many considerations when implementing a drug testing program, here are the 10 key factors that we’ll be exploring further.

#1 Legal Defensibility

What are the key considerations in making sure our testing program can withstand a legal challenge? Are we testing the right way?

#2 Testing Modalities

Should we conduct urinalysis or hair follicle testing? What about “instant” tests versus laboratory-based testing?

#3 Testing Panels

Do we need to test for the standard 5-panel of drugs or should we consider a 10-panel? Are there situations in which we might consider testing for other drugs as well? 

#4 Random Testing

How do I structure and justify a program to randomly test current employees? How often should they be tested? Is random testing even legal? 

#5 Disciplinary Consequences

What happens if an employee tests positive? Do we terminate or are there other options available?

#6 Baseline Testing

Since we are just starting the testing program, should we conduct a “baseline” test of all our current employees since they have never been tested? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing this?

#7 Testing Locations

Should we send our applicants/employees to a clinic for testing? Or should we have a mobile collector come to our offices? Should we even perform the collections with our own staff?

#8 Education and Training

What role would education and training programs with our workforce play in our testing program? How should these programs be structured to maximize benefits for our workforce?

#9 Records Retention 

What drug testing records do we need to store and for how long? How do we make sure that we have the proper documentation needed for all our testing?

#10 Daily Management of Testing

Do we need to become experts in drug testing? Should this be handled by HR, Risk Management, or another Department? How do we develop the expertise needed to ensure that our program is working efficiently?