Tree Removal


“Did you know?”

Tree Removal

There have been a lot of questions pertaining to tree removal here in Rock Hall. I would like to clear the air with some of the questions and make the town aware of the new tree application form we will be using.

“Can I remove a tree on my property?” The answer in most cases is yes, however there are stipulations to doing so. There are many different instances that can depend on what can be removed and what replacement is. This depends on where your property is located and if it is in the critical area or not.

Rock Hall Proposed Critical Area – I would like to touch base on what the critical area map is, where it is located and what it means. The map is designed and broken down into 3 sections, IDA- Intensely Developed Areas, LDA – Limited Developed Areas, and RCA- Resource Conservation Areas. These areas dictate if in fact the trees can be removed and the process to remove them, along with replacement. The map is located at the Town Hall building.

“How do I know if my property is within the critical area?” – Its as simple as giving myself a call at 410-639-7611, ext. 104, or stopping at Town Hall and we can look at the map and reference that with the property address to see if in fact the property falls within the critical area. (The map will soon be added to the website as well.)

Let’s talk about the Buffer Zone and what it means- The buffer area is any area that is within 100’ of tidal waters. If the tree (and other vegetation falls into this as well) is within this area there are very stringent rules regarding removal and replenishment. If it is within this area, a Buffer Management Plan will be needed. There are laws and regulations as well as fines and replenishment proposals if in fact someone removes tree(s) and or vegetation in this area without a permit and Buffer Management Plan.

What to do if you want to remove a tree. – We have a new application for tree removal here at the Town Hall. It is imperative to use a MD Licensed Tree Removal Company. There are many in the area. A licensed tree removal company will know about the rules and regulations and can save homeowners a lot of headaches and money! Any questions you may have please feel free to contact me!



Thank you all for your time!

Dave Whitman